Order Allocation

Order fulfillment software

Delivering on-time and in-full (OTIF) is the lifeblood of building great customer experience. Save time and keep your products flowing with Peak’s order fulfillment software.

Stock allocation can be tedious

Manual and time-consuming, effective stock allocation can be a nightmare. Too many orders, too many multi-item orders, demand spikes and supply chain stress is prone to human error.

Peak’s Order Allocation application gives you AI-driven recommendations to help manage fulfillment, so you can speed up the shipping process and deliver on-time-in-full.

Allocate the job to AI with dispatch optimization

Order Allocation uses AI to unify your ​​order book, inventory and logistics data. From there, it tells you the optimal allocation of available stock vs customer orders.

Say hello to customer satisfaction while waving goodbye to late deliveries, returns, and missed sales.

Get stock to the right people, at the right time

Optimize your order allocation so you can maximize customer satisfaction, avoid penalties, and increase your team's productivity.

  • Hit OTIF and service level targets

  • Minimize customer wait times

  • Reduce late deliveries and potential fines

  • Fewer journeys with split orders

  • Improve productivity and save time

Under the hood

Order Allocation’s order fulfillment software is built on Peak’s platform. It uses computational models to optimize order allocation, reducing customer wait time and making sure orders are delivered in full. Use the application to limit the impact of stock limitations that come with supply shocks or demand spikes, keeping your customers happy.



AI-powered inventory optimization. Minimized costs, maximized service.

See Peak’s Order Allocation software in action


What is order fulfillment software?

Order fulfillment software is a specialized technology solution designed to streamline and automate the entire process of fulfilling customer orders, from the point of sale to delivery. This comprehensive software helps businesses efficiently manage inventory, process orders and coordinate logistics, ensuring a seamless and timely fulfillment experience for customers.

Key features of order fulfillment software include:

  1. Inventory management: Order fulfillment software provides robust inventory management tools, allowing businesses to track stock levels, monitor product availability and prevent stockouts or overstock situations. This ensures that products are readily available for order fulfillment.
  2. Order processing: The software automates the order processing workflow, from the moment a customer places an order to the final shipment. This includes order verification, payment processing and the generation of packing slips and shipping labels.
  3. Warehouse management: Order fulfillment software assists in optimizing warehouse operations by organizing inventory, managing picking and packing processes and optimizing the layout for efficient order fulfillment. This improves overall warehouse efficiency and reduces fulfillment times.
  4. Integration with e-commerce platforms: Many order fulfillment solutions seamlessly integrate with e-commerce platforms, ensuring that orders placed online are automatically synchronized with the fulfillment system. This integration eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors.
  5. Shipping management: The software facilitates shipping management by providing tools to compare shipping rates, track shipments in real-time, and choose the most cost-effective and timely shipping options. This helps businesses optimize shipping costs and enhance customer satisfaction.
  6. Real-time order tracking: Order fulfillment software often includes features for real-time order tracking. This allows customers to monitor the status of their orders from the moment of purchase to the final delivery, providing transparency and improving the overall customer experience.
  7. Returns processing: Efficient returns processing is a key component of order fulfillment software. It streamlines the returns workflow, making it easier for businesses to process returns, issue refunds or exchanges and update inventory accordingly.
  8. Reporting and analytics: Robust reporting and analytics tools help businesses gain insights into order fulfillment performance. This includes tracking key metrics such as order accuracy, fulfillment times and customer satisfaction, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  9. Multi-channel support: Order fulfillment software often supports multiple sales channels, allowing businesses to manage orders from various sources, including online stores, marketplaces and brick-and-mortar locations, all within a centralized system.
  10. Scalability: As businesses grow, order fulfillment software provides scalability, accommodating increased order volumes and expanding product lines. This ensures that the fulfillment process remains efficient and effective in response to business growth.

In summary, order fulfillment software is a critical tool for businesses looking to optimize their logistics and provide a seamless, reliable and efficient order fulfillment experience for customers. As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, leveraging advanced order fulfillment technology becomes essential for businesses striving to meet customer expectations and stay competitive in the market.

What is inventory allocation?

Inventory allocation is a critical part of managing available stock strategically. It involves assigning inventory to fulfill customer orders or meet demand criteria efficiently. The goal is to balance customer satisfaction and well-organized inventory.

By distributing inventory based on factors like order priorities, businesses can minimize stockouts and streamline supply chain operations. This is especially important in industries with variable demand, allowing businesses to prioritize high-demand items and efficiently manage seasonal fluctuations.

Implementing prioritized allocation for VIP customers and utilizing advanced systems with algorithms and analytics enhances this process. Overall, inventory allocation aims to optimize supply chains, contribute to business success and ensure the right products are available at the right time.

How do you allocate inventory?

Allocating inventory is a strategic process crucial for efficient supply chain management. Steps for allocating include setting priorities, utilizing demand forecasting and the implementation of allocation rules. Here’s a closer look at these steps and more:

  1. Set priorities: Establish clear priorities based on factors such as customer demand, product popularity and order urgency. This ensures that critical items receive priority in the allocation process.
  2. Utilize demand forecasting: Leverage demand forecasting tools and data analysis to predict future demand accurately. This information guides the allocation of inventory to align with expected customer orders.
  3. Implement allocation rules: Define allocation rules that consider criteria like product categories, customer segments and geographic locations. These rules help automate and streamline the allocation process.
  4. Real-time monitoring: Implement real-time monitoring of inventory levels and order status. This allows for immediate adjustments to allocations based on changes in demand, preventing stockouts or overstocks.
  5. Integrate technology: Utilize advanced inventory management software with algorithms and analytics. These technologies optimize the allocation process, taking into account historical data and real-time information.
  6. Consider seasonal trends: Factor in seasonal fluctuations and trends when allocating inventory. Adjust allocations to meet heightened demand during peak seasons and prevent excess stock during slower periods.
  7. Collaborate across departments: Foster collaboration between different departments, including sales, marketing and logistics. Input from various teams ensures a holistic approach to inventory allocation.
  8. Allocate based on customer segmentation: Segment customers based on their importance or loyalty. Prioritize high-value customers or VIP segments, ensuring their orders are fulfilled promptly.
  9. Implement safety stock: Introduce safety stock levels to mitigate uncertainties and unforeseen demand spikes. This buffer ensures that there’s sufficient inventory to handle unexpected fluctuations.
  10. Regularly review and adjust: Conduct regular reviews of allocation strategies and adjust them based on performance metrics, market changes and customer feedback. Continuous improvement is key to optimizing the allocation process.
  11. Balance across channels: If operating through multiple sales channels, balance inventory allocation to meet demand across all channels. This prevents stock imbalances and ensures a consistent customer experience.
  12. Supplier collaboration: Collaborate with suppliers to optimize the replenishment process. Timely communication with suppliers helps in aligning inventory levels with anticipated demand.
  13. Train staff: Provide training for staff involved in the allocation process. Well-trained personnel can make informed decisions and adapt to changing circumstances effectively.
  14. Utilize cross-docking: Explore cross-docking strategies to reduce storage time and improve order fulfillment speed. This is particularly beneficial for fast-moving products.

By combining these strategies and leveraging technology, businesses can establish an efficient and flexible inventory allocation process. This not only ensures customer satisfaction but also contributes to overall supply chain resilience and competitiveness.

How do I improve the order fulfillment process?

Improving the order fulfillment process is crucial for enhancing customer satisfaction and optimizing business operations. Actionable steps to enhance your order fulfillment process include streamlining order processing, investing in technology like AI and machine learning and centralizing business systems. Here’s a look at some of the steps your business can take to optimize your order fulfillment process:

  1. Streamline order processing: Implement efficient workflows to reduce processing time and minimize errors.
  2. Invest in technology: Utilize advanced software and automation to enhance accuracy and speed.
  3. Optimize inventory management: Ensure accurate stock levels, prevent stockouts and minimize excess inventory.
  4. Centralize systems: Integrate order fulfillment processes into a centralized system for better coordination.
  5. Enhance packaging efficiency: Invest in cost-effective packaging solutions without compromising product protection.
  6. Implement quality control: Introduce rigorous checks to ensure accurate picking, packing and product quality.
  7. Prioritize customer communication: Keep customers informed with real-time tracking information and updates.
  8. Continuously improve: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by regularly analyzing metrics and refining processes.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can not only improve the efficiency of their order fulfillment process but also enhance the overall customer experience, leading to increased customer loyalty and positive brand perception.