The State of AI Report
Artificial intelligence is already becoming a powerhouse, and changing the way we work.
80% of businesses are currently using, or working towards, using AI
Peak’s State of AI 2022 report surveyed 775 decision makers from the UK, US and India, all from businesses with over 100 staff. Four in five respondents report that their business was either currently using a form of AI or was working towards doing so.

70% of companies believe they are data-driven
“Data driven decision making” may seem like an universally accepted approach to modern business, but remarkably 30% of businesses still do not agree that their organizations are data-driven.
Percentage of respondents that agree their organization is data-driven

81% of decision makers state that their business has a data strategy
Most decision makers (81%) state that their business has a data strategy, with a further 17% intending to introduce one.
Of those that do have a data strategy, it is most likely to be focused on centralizing data within the business (55%), establishing measurable goals for the use of data (54%) and managing security risks and compliance (53%). Just over a third of respondents (35%) with a data strategy say it includes a plan to facilitate AI.

Atul Sharma
Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Peak
It’s a mistake to embark on a data project without AI ambitions and puts a business in serious jeopardy of having to retrofit infrastructure further down the line. AI is far more focused on business outcomes than traditional data technologies, it’s regressive to consider a data strategy only in the context of data cleaning or Business Intelligence reporting.
82% of companies surveyed have an AI strategy in place (in some capacity)

How are businesses thinking about data strategy?

52% of companies surveyed employ a Chief Data Officer
Over the last five years there has been a significant push to upskill in-house data capabilities. When asked what data practitioners they currently have within the organization, half have a Chief Data Officer, while 42% of respondents stated they had at least one data scientist and 52% at least one data engineer.
What technical capabilities do businesses have in-house?
The average data science team size is 12.8 people
Percentage of companies that employ at least one data scientist

A breakdown of data science teams by number of employees

Richard Potter
Co-founder and CEO, Peak
“The future of commercial AI is an intelligence unique to every business. An AI that works holistically across each department so that one function is never optimized at the expense of another. Most businesses recognize that one centralized intelligence is the end goal, and they’re working towards adopting a connected application that delivers value for everyone within the organization.”