Meet Peak India: Pet Special!

By Elena Kulikova on January 14, 2022 - 5 Minute Read

We're the pets of Peak. You've met our humans, but we thought it was time you met the real bosses around here...

Grrrrr, my name is Pixie or how I humbly prefer my people to call me, The Queen. It is tough to be the ruler; with great power comes great responsibility. I make sure to visit each of my subjects and check on my kingdom every day. 

I do have my favourite people (well we all have our weaknesses!). My favourite thing is to watch my dad, Sachin, having online meetings; of course, we all understand his teammates attend them just to see my cute furry face. 

Hello, my name is Brownie. I’m a teeny-tiny Shih Tzu pupper, and I’m absolutely in love with my two-legged friends. They take me for long walks in the park, where I play with my four-legged friends. When huge Dobermans and bulldogs are running around the park endangering my humans I bark to protect them. Unfortunately, the humans don’t understand and pick me up instead, but I’m setting myself free and running at the big dogs until they are gone. I’m very brave!

When I’m alone, I get extremely bored and search for something to chew, sometimes wires, other times shoes. My human Elena tells me I can’t do this but she still gives me treats so I don’t think she really minds. She says her heart melts every time I roll on my back. She might tell you that I steal the food too, but this is not true; I find it on the table and do what any self-respecting dog would do. 


Hello! Yes, I can actually say “hello” in human and a few other words. I’m Rambo, the bravest parrot after Chip from the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. However, my favourite character is Rango from the movie with the same name, I look exactly like him. I am absolutely thrilled every time he beats the odds and saves his life in a desert. 

Azhar, my human, thinks I have a wild nature and loads of attitude for a bird, but he doesn’t realise that not all heroes wear capes; some wear feathers. I’m just trying to bring some fun into his life by watching the movies and singing songs. 

I got to run; his call is about to start. I’ll wave from the big screen! See you all soon.  

Howdy, I’m Charlie, the yoga dog! I discovered this talent before my first birthday when my human Shruti was practising the asanas at home. I have never been more content in my life, it works, and I recommend you take a few lessons from me. I love humans more than furry partners, as I was a lockdown baby. Sometimes I also meditate, but I don’t really like doing this; it feels a little bit too boring, but for the treats I can do asanas all day long. Did I mention my older brother Euro? He is the naughty one and huge, always misbehaves but I don’t let him steal my thunder. We all know mom likes me more.

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