Portrait of author Martin Sutton
Martin Sutton

Business Development Director

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March customer roundtable review: decision making, diversity, and super cool spy gadgets

By Martin Sutton on March 29, 2021

Last week we welcomed a handful of Peak customers to join us for a very special roundtable event.

Although, sadly, we’re still very much in virtual events land at the moment (I’m counting down the days until we can all get together in person again) it turned out to be a terrific evening thanks to the input and enthusiasm of our attendees and a terrific guest speaker.

Who attended?

We gathered some of our customers from across various industries, including retail and consumer goods, and manufacturing. There was a wide range of job roles and functions in attendance, too, and each person brought with them a unique perspective and their own take on our chosen topic for the evening: decision making!

What was it all about?

Our CEO and co-founder, Richard Potter, kicked off the evening with a talk on ‘the future of business.’ He took the opportunity to talk through our positioning as a Decision Intelligence company, sharing our vision and beliefs with an engaged audience. We’re very excited about the continued growth of Decision Intelligence as a category, and it was a great opportunity for our customers to hear first-hand about our vision for the future and how their businesses will benefit from it.

We also welcomed an ex-secret service guest speaker to share some truly fascinating stories, covering a wide range of topics. Sharing insights and lessons on leadership from throughout their career, our speaker explained to us why leadership is not about command and control, but vision and strategy. 

They touched on a wide range of intriguing and thought-provoking topics, from inclusion and diversity and cultural change to life during the pandemic and dealing with uncertainty. There was even a question about the coolest spy gadgets which went down particularly well, appealing to everyone’s inner 007. It was truly compelling listening, and we were all blown away by some of the stories shared.

Roundtable session

Following this talk, we were all feeling inspired and broke off into a roundtable session. Each attendee was provided with an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas on all things decision making. We explored a number of thought-provoking topics such as…

  • What’s the biggest decision you’ll have to make this year?
  • How do you balance the ‘art’ with the ‘science’ of decision making?
  • How do you know when a decision is successful and how do you communicate this with other leaders in your businesses?
  • What’s the worst decision you’ve made?

Some interesting themes came out of these sessions. Topics that were discussed included prioritizing change projects, hiring talent, managing change, and meeting the needs of consumers. Sadly, though, Chatham House Rules prevent us from leaking any juicy secrets!

Until next time…

All in all it was a superb evening of networking, and it was brilliant to bring together leaders from our diverse customer base all under one (virtual) roof. This was the first in a new series of customer roundtable events we’re planning to host this year; a new added benefit we’ve opened up to our strategic partners. Keep your eyes peeled for further announcements in the future, and get in touch with your regular Peak contact if you’re keen to learn more about becoming a strategic partner with us.



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